Here at Reeves Independent providing our clients with top quality customer service is a priority.
When it comes to clients investments it is vital that we work closely with them to ensure they are invested appropriately. Below highlights the steps/questions we go through before investing;
Firstly we would ask you describe your ‘attitude’ towards taking financial risks right now? Is it Balanced, Cautious or Aggressive?
We then attempt to measure your attitude on a scale of 1-10. The reason behind this is to see if this confirms or contradicts you answer to question 1.
Thirdly we assess how ‘strong’ or how ‘weak’ your confidence levels are in the current economic environment.
The next step is to try & match the above to a portfolio of investments ‘carefully’ selected to match both the ‘risk profile of the client’ & the ‘current market expectations’
Having decided on the asset allocation for your portfolio we will then have a detailed look at the investments you’ve chosen to give you the best opportunity to produce returns required for you
This process is followed for all ‘new clients’ & during client’s quarterly reviews!
Undergoing this process regularly has highlighted the following to us as a company;
Clients opinions will change, therefore working with them & making sure they feel comfortable with the investments is imperative
There is a time for the cautious investor to invest more speculatively & for the speculative investor to invest more cautiously
You don’t have to make all your growth at once, many variables should be taken into account before making your decisions